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McStas: ESS_IN5_reprate Instrument at ESS

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The ESS_IN5_reprate Instrument


  • Site: ESS
  • Author: Kim Lefmann (, Helmuth Schober, Feri Mezei
  • Origin:ESS
  • Date: September 20, 2006
  • Version: 1.3 Updated with respect to McStas 1.12b version which does not compile


McStas instrument for simulating IN5-TYPE (cold chopper) multi-frame spectrometer at ESS LPTS

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
Name Unit Description Default
Lam_min AA Minimum wavelength emitted by the moderator 4.9
Lam_max AA Maximum wavelength emitted by the moderator 5.1
Lam_target AA Target wavelength for the monochromating crystal 5
Pulse_width s Length of the long pulse. Default to 2 ms. 0.002
Twopulses 1 Possibility of emitting neutrons from a second pulse. Default 0. 0
GUI_start m Distance from moderator to guide start 1.5
FO1_DIST m Distance from moderator to FO1 chopper 6
L_ballistic_begin m Length of expanding ballistic section in the beginning of the guide 19.5
L_ballistic_end m Length of compressing ballistic section in the end of the guide 17
Length moderator to F2 [m] Total length of spectrometer 100
SAMPLE_DIST m Distance from F2 to sample 1.2
DETECTOR_DIST m Length sample-detector 4
GUI_h m Height of guide opening at entry 0.105
GUI_w m Width of guide opening at entry H1-H4: [m] Height of guide elements W1-W4: [m] Width of guide elements 0.1
GUI_GAP m Gap between guides due to chopper hardware 0.05
H1 0.167
W1 0.116
H2 0.185
W2 0.15
H3 0.19
W3 0.15
H4 0.213
W4 0.14
H_chop m Height at F2 chopper position 0.075
W_chop m Width at F2 chopper position 0.03
H_end m Height of guide opening at exit 0.042
W_end m Width of guide opening at exit 0.0215
ALPHA m Parameter for supermirrors in guides, Swiss Neutronics best at 3.4 3.4
M 1 Parameter for supermirrors in guides, Swiss Neutronics best at 4 3.5
F_slow1 Hz Frequency of the FO1 chopper 16.6667
F_slow2 Hz Frequency of the FO2 chopper 0
F_fast1 Hz Frequency of the F1 chopper 0
F_fast2 Hz Frequency of the F2 chopper 200
N_fast 1 Number of symmetric openings in the fast F choppers 1
SLOW1_THETA deg Opening angle of the FO1 chopper 120
FO3 if 1, same as F2; if 2, half of F2, etc. [1] Inverse frequency of FO3 chopper 1
THETA_fast1 deg Opening angle of the F1 chopper 180
FAST_THETA deg Opening angle of the F2 chopper 5
Gamma 0=elastic [meV] Width of sample quasielastic scattering 0
Etun meV Tunneling energy 1
V_HOLE m Radius of hole in V sample (must be smaller than the outer radius: 0.01) FRAC_QUASIEL [1] Fraction of the sample that scatters quasielastically 0
TT deg 2T (or a4) scattering angle 50
RES_DE meV Adjustable zoom for energy monitor at detector position 0.5


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Output parameters | Links ]

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 03-Jan-2024 19:11:12 CET
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